Repeated Nonsense

Madalyn Murray O'Hair (Apr. 13, 1919 – Sept. 29, 1995)
    I don't find it odd that people just repeat nonsense, gossip, and posting of fake information or news because they hear it and see it repeatedly & think it is okay. The liberal media as it is now, have perfected one of Adolf Hitler's greatest minds control tactics.

Adolph Hitler;
    "The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous.
    In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan."
    Hitler from September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945 was responsible for the Holocaust and the deaths of millions of people during World War II.

    With social media ramping, so is Fake Information and fake photos are spreading at an alarming rate. The United States First Amendment gives us the right to Freedom Of Speech, not manipulation and deceit as being done today.

    With the decided made by the Supreme Court through Madalyn Murray O'Hair, "who was an atheist," filed several lawsuits that dealt with First Amendment separation of Church and State issues in 1960, "These lawsuits Should Have Never Been Entertained or Granted" under the 1st Amendment atonement. 

    She was the plaintiff in the lawsuit, that "sought to prohibit Bible" reading in the Baltimore public schools "as an unconstitutional activity" which the founding forefathers granted and seen atonement and spread like wildfire throughout the United States.

    This "Judgement," was in itself, is very bad decision by the entertaining court, because it does right opposite of the 1st Amendment that was truly written for and meant in that foresaid aspect that; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereofin which the decision of the Supreme Court abridged.

    It also states; or abridging the freedom of speech in which the government does today as well. Nowhere in the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution does it say that we must use manipulation and deceitful acts in free speech.  

 Notice it says; "the right of the people to peaceably assemble," not assemble and become destructive of property and dangerous to others as what is happening in today's society. 

     It also "gives us the right to petition" the Government for a redress of grievances, all which is being abridged today. Courts, Government, hold the right "to prevent" you from exercising your rights, simply, "because they can!"

    No Where in the 1st Amendment does it state that the Government should remove itself from a Religion Stance, but that it does state; "Shall Not Establish Law(s) against such.  

    This government, Is stripping the intended fabric of our United States Constitutions (the nation's first constitution,) to shreds at every corner. We Are Not safe when we're powered by Dictatorship jut, just as Hitler during his leadership from 16 March 1935 to 8 May 1945 with Germany.     Student prayer, as long as it is respectful of other students' rights, allows students to bring their whole selves to the classroom. (the 1st Amendment does not say this) school-sponsored prayer, which is prohibited by the First Amendment, overlooks that diversity and violates students' right to practice a faith or not without government interference.

Praying Privately in Public Schools    The right of Tennessee school children to pray in public school (as long as it is private and non-disruptive) is not limited to just the official minute of silence each morning.

    Notice that it also states; "The Constitution also protects the free expression of religion."

    States and People thereof have abandoning the 1st Amendment concept, even the entire United States Constitution itself over the past 20 plus years. However, there's 34 states which allow for opening the school day in prayer. 

    Every time "Something Goes A Flop," the public cries, "More Laws! More Laws!" when the same public knows, "The other Old & New Laws" have yet to stop the act itself.

    When someone is injured or killed using a gun, "Not By A Gun," public blames the gun, "No The User." This political correctness stance, if true, would manipulate and undermine the future with "False Content." That is, you can blame a pencil, typewriter, or WordPress for Spelling Mistakes, not yourself or the writer therof. 

    When there has been an vehicle accident where someone is injured or killed, public "does not" blame the vehicle, they blame the driver. What is the difference? There is "None!"

    Once "WE STOP," using manipulation, deceitful acts, and "WE STOP" spreading such, It will come to an end. THE END, means better media and better coverage of the truth, not false facts.



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