Phishing Emails/SMS
What is Phishing SMS/Emails? Phishing is a tactic that sneaky scammers use to tricking you into providing your personal information such as your passwords, credit card numbers, or social security details. They do this sneaky thing by pretending to be someone you trust, such as your bank, a popular website, a colleague, family, and worse, government agent by sending emails, SMS messages, or by using pop-up ads that look totally legit as bait. Spotting the Red Flags I have very good news!!! You can spot these sneaky phishing attempts if you know what to look for and the Red Flags involved to help keep a look out for and in mind: Strange Sender Address : Check the email address because Scammers often use addresses that look real but have slight misspellings or odd domains. An example of misleading or fake domain. Almost everyone knows about this example of a look-a-like domain is N...