Are You Ready?


    I believe the time for everyone to be born and dies in God's Hands. If it's my time to die, I'm prepared. 

    I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.

    Are you absolutely sure that you're going to Heaven? I'm absolutely sure! Not because of anything I've done, I've sinned!

    I'm going to Heaven because of what Christ did on the Cross and fact that God raised Him from the dead.

   Two thieves were also crucified with Christ, One thief said;

    Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. 
Matthew 27:40

The other thief said;

    Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

Luke 23:42

What about you?

    Is there doubt in your heart if you died at this moment, you would go to Heaven?

    For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Matthew 6:21

     Now it's excepted time, today is the day of Salvation!

Come while you can. 

    How could it ever give me any pleasure to see you suffer on your own? And you not make it to Heaven?
    I can't pay your debts, No one can, Only you have that debt. You cried out that you was all alone and it unraveled easily and you want to look to me to prove your innocence.
    If they look to you it's nothing more than a coincidence, are you ready to die?
    Are you ready to cash it in? Is this what you wanted, the way you wanted it to end?
    You say, "I'm not ready to go, No, not me." I'm not the one polishing my gun. It can't be denied, you're never satisfied.
    It's written all over your face, You got a lack of education, a life of isolation, a wealth of opportunities to waste.
    You were just a pawn, you knew right from wrong, and it was a tragedy. Your eyes shake in your head, and you do this every time you lie.
    So be accountable today for every word you say,
and when the rioters arrive, they'll know just who to blame.
    Are you a stranger to God? Are you carried away with your pride? By worldly things? Tell me sinner, do you ever stop and think?
Are you Afraid to die?
Are you afraid?
Are you unsaved?

Call on Jesus while He is near.
Moments are swiftly passing away.
Will you seek Him while He stile may be found? 
Are you too wicked to cry?
Would you to Gods' bosom fly?
Soon He's coming like a thief in the night.

Are you afraid to die?
Are you afraid?
Are you unsaved?



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