Every second, someone leaves this world

We are all in "that line" and never know when it will be us.
We can not move to the back of the line or step out or ask someone to take our place.
While we wait, we can not avoid this line.
You must make moments, priorities, and time count.
Make your gifts know to a nobody, so they feel like somebody.
Make your voice heard and small things big.
Make someone smile and change they way they feel.
Make up and create peace.
Ensure to tell your family, friends and people they are loved and to have no regrets.

In the end, when the your heart beats no more, the blood in your veins moves no more and returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to ashes, then you will remember, it is you who belong to the land and not the land belonging to you.

Ensure you are ready in that moment, because,“Every second someone leaves this world,” and the next one, just might be you.

Photo by: Logan Zillmer


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