
Showing posts from November, 2022

Cameras In Classrooms

Why should cameras be in classrooms?        School surveillance cameras can be utilized to mitigate threats of all kinds , whether they be internal or external to the campus: School shootings. Student bullying and violence. Mistreatment of students by teachers and others.   Are classrooms allowed to have cameras?       It is a gray area as to what that means, but generally, common sense prevails. For instance, cameras are not allowed in restrooms or changing areas. In contrast, since there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in a classroom and hallways shared with students, there is no general legal prohibition on cameras there .   What are the cons of having cameras in classrooms? The Drawbacks of School Security Cameras (Cons) Legality and privacy concerns. Those against video surveillance in schools consider the use of security cameras to be an invasion of privacy.  Cost of school security cameras and s...

Jeffery G & Crystal A. Douglas Website

  Webs Begin Shutting Down on June 30, 2021      I will be moving our websites from WEBS.COM and VistaPrint due to continuous issues with them to a new server WEB.COM.     In the future, If you are using JGDouglas.WEBS.COM which will end August 8th, 2023 or CADouglas.WEBS.COM to visit our websites, please note that you can now use Our Original Domain JGDOUGLAS.COM and CADOUGLAS.COM will continue to work and transfer you to our new website server once active.     If you have a business card with or please request a new card and make note to start using CADOUGLAS.COM or CADOUGLAS.COM (on new our cards)     The issue with WEBS.COM has lasted for approximately 2 years and to this point, Does not look to be getting any better. While VIstaPrint has taken over and the sites Migrated , the underlying issues continue to follow. and JGDouglas...

The Dangers of Compelled Speech

  Dear Blogger,         The First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech protects us from censorship of what we want to say, but we don’t often think about how the First Amendment also protects us from being compelled to say something we don’t want to say.        Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has litigated or supported numerous cases, including several at the Supreme Court, taking on compelled speech. Compelling people to speak messages against their most deeply held beliefs undermines the common good. A free society depends on ordinary citizens having the freedom of belief as well as the freedom to choose what to say and what not to say. What is compelled speech?         Compelled speech occurs when the government forces you to articulate, advocate, promote, communicate, or otherwise expr...

Suvivor Of Suicide

 The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN) works to eliminate the stigma of suicide, educate the community about the warning signs of suicide, and ultimately reduce the rate of suicide in the state of Tennessee. Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN)  Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255         Crisis Text Line: 741741 * SOS Groups - Survivor of Suicide Brochure * "Out-of-the Shadows" - Bimonthly Newsletter for Survivors * TSPN monthly regional meetings * Advocacy * Postvention Assistance      - Technical assistance in the best practices for schools, businesses, agencies, etc.      -  Postvention - Prevention Training * Resource Directories * Access to:      - Online Survivor Support (20 +)      - National organization * Other technical assistance & questions Central Office Location: 1321 Murfreesboro Pike, #155, Nashville, TN 37217 Office Phone: 615-297-...

Storm Spotters & Chasers

        Life is a course of collected moments and experiences that we gather over the course of time. It’s more about the quality of life, than the height of the climb.        We are more than Million strong, but together we act as one. We walk the grounds whether hurricanes, tornadoes, rain, or wind.         Our main mission is to protect you, your family, your friends and your neighbor even if one of us meets our maker.                           We are Storm Spotters and Chasers, it is, what we do, the credo we chant, we are your keeper of storms.”                                    ...