Government Outreach

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I'm not here for a popularly contest,
I just need to be true to myself and stand by my standards!

       I don’t give a Rats Rear, who this offends because I stand by it! War is coming, sooner or later!

You the Government, are all a bunch of cowards that has raised the cost of living to the point that both parents are always at work rather than spending time with their children & single parents do not stand a chance.

       You took God out of schools, public meetings and then restricted the public rights to Freedom of Christian Speech everywhere just to please the liberals and heavy handed.

       Parents were told "You Can't Discipline Your Child," and this has brought on Disrespectful Children in Homes, Public, and Schools and now, 99% of those kids are rude and out of control and climbing daily to point of jail or prison. Then you want to "Hold" the parent more responsible for those actions after "you the Government" has tied their hands. Even their "Parents" are following the same footsteps of blunt dis-respectfulness.

       You shall reap what you sow because you have taken a whole future generation and turned them into "selfish entitled brats" and to "do what I want" who have in return, no respect for people, property and authority at its worst!

      You deem people who are Terminally ill and some with only a months to live "fit for work" to cut off their benefit income and other needed income to "Pay Off" student loans in the so called "Forgiveness" and then shovel millions to those who don't need it.

      You allow our veterans of war and others to go homeless, hungry and with untreated medical needs just to give millions to foreign aid, who in return, has given "Nothing" to help United States!!!"
      You save Drug Addicts and Alcoholics by giving them Full Benefits over and over under "Medical Issue" instead of it true meaning, "Not Necessary" because it would not "entitle them to such, while refusing to provide free diabetic and other Medical Needed supplies to those who need them to stay alive and can not afford the pharmaceutical pricing gouging at its best.

       You bend over backwards to be "Politically Correct Stance" because you're too scared to "say enough is enough" to keep from offending someone and losing a vote toward honesty and integrity. 

       You continue to rise the retirement age on a unpredictable scale so people must work until they drop dead, to old to enjoy their retirement or just to physically ill to do so just to save, only too Shovel Millions to other country's to "Be Liked!"

       You fail to take care of prisoners you incarcerate over & over by giving them everything under the sun in poor food quality, poor medical care, limiting their education, giving no responsible representation before, during & afterwards while pay them $50.00 a month then rising the cost of items to wipe it out.

      Wasted Rehabilitation, both Money & Time on repeated offenders while you cause the elderly and those that have paid their debt to society and their families to go broke caring for them either at home or worse, in a uncaring nursing home to just die!

       Caring for those terminally ill and sick who are in need of medication that drains both in to bankruptcy and losing everything they own. Even then, there is the "residual effect" that can last their entire life.

       You have repetitively Place the "Poor" elites behind bars" while you have repetitively allow the "Rich" to walk free. You've repetitively "taken" peoples "Hard Earned" dollars and property away and deemed it  justifiable at its worst. You have have repetitively "Fined" the poor into prodigality and Poverty at its worst and

       You have "repetitively" made laws that have "Done Nothing More" than went on paper and drained our taxed dollar at the "Tax Payers Expense and So Called Good of the Public." Yet you continue to blow more on useless laws while cutting other needed benefits to compensating for it.

        You've taxed the "Poor Elite" till they can no longer live a descent life while giving the "Rich Elite" large tax breaks and then deny the "Poor Elite" Government Benefits because they have a little bit of money, a felony charge, while shoveling out Money to those who "Do Not Need or Deserve It" because they are< Wealthy, Suitable, Alcoholics & Drug Attics instead of the Physical True Meaning of Life.

You have become a disgrace and the worst bully to the people of the United States. 


       I am betting most of you don't have the guts to re-share this post.

Are you Offended now?


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