Government Outreach
I'm not here for a popularly contest, I just need to be true to myself and stand by my standards! I don’t give a Rats Rear, who this offends because I stand by it! War is coming, sooner or later! You the Government, are all a bunch of cowards that has raised the cost of living to the point that both parents are always at work rather than spending time with their children & single parents do not stand a chance. You took God out of schools, public meetings and then restricted the public rights to Freedom of Christian Speech everywhere just to please the liberals and heavy handed. Parents were told "You Can't Discipline Your Child," and this has brought on Disrespectful Children in Homes, Public, and Schools and now, 99% of those kids are rude and out of control and climbing daily to point of jail or prison. Then you want to "Hold" the parent more responsible for those action...