July 4th, 2022 Shooting
July 4th shooting was just the latest to shatter the rituals of
American life. Schools, churches, grocery stores and now community
parades have all become killing grounds in recent months. This time, the
bloodshed came as the nation tried to find cause to celebrate its
founding and the bonds that still hold it together.
All those "New Laws that went in effect, What Now?
Public Shack Downs? Oh, I know,
"More Useless Gun Laws!!!!"
"More 2nd Amendment Violations Laws!!!!"
"That's What!!!!!"
This Pathetic Government is an embarrassment to the "We The People" of in this so called "Land of Freedom!!!"
Government embarrassment with "New Useless Laws" that done nothing more than went on paper.
I say this under the 2nd Amendment Rights, and for every Felony in this pathetic country should be allowed to carry a fire arm, any place, any time!!!!!
When this happens, the People, the Terrorist, the Ones who go nuts, will learn "Quickly," I'm not going to walk away if I do this type of crap.
Even felonies have dignity & boundaries as to what they will do because not all of them, are true felonies.
AND THIS, my power hungry pathetic & weak Government of embarrassment,
You, this Pathetic Embarrassment so called Government "Have Stepped On" so many innocence people.
Trampled on their God given rights & on their United States Constitutional rights with your overreaching, heavy handed invasion upon those right.
You, this Pathetic Embarrassment & Heavy Hand Government has invaded the wrong home, Harassed and Killed Innocence bystanders in doing so.
You are Pathetic, Embarrassment of human beings who are "Relentless" in accomplishing nothing I have ever seen on the face of this earth.
WBBJ and every US New Outlet needs to focus on this like they do everything else that goes on. Including their focusing on other Countries when "This Carp, Is Going On In Their Front Yard & Door and Back Yard & Door!!!!"
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