04/01/2021 6:40AM


Progressive Auto Insurance
PO Box 984105,
Los Angeles, CA 90189-4105

Per three conversations with Progressive Agent & Supervisors on 3/31/2021, I'm being told that they "use previous accidents" from 1 to 4 years prior to you owning the related vehicle you are insuring through them to determine your premiums.

This "Is Not Accidents" that involve or any insured under the the policy have had, but accidents that the vehicle was in prior to your purchasing it. When I was speaking to the Agent & Supervisors, The supervisors became arrogant with me and was trying to convince me that it was legal.

According to:
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance’s
500 James Robertson Pkwy
Davy Crockett Tower
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0564
Phone: 615-741-2241

According to the TN Dept. Comm & Ins. Agent i spoke with was unaware of this action and stated that It is illegal to do so. This penalizes you for a vehicle you had no control over prior to purchase and same, adds to you premiums, "A Penalty" as Progressive Supervisors tried to explain by saying, "Because the Vehicle" in question was in a previous accident (before you purchased), it has a potential to be involved in another one with you the new owner.

I went 12 years without an accident, and now, because I purchased a vehicle that I had no knowledge of an accident until Progressive Agent brought it to my attention, I'm be penalized (Charged More) for an accident I did not have.

Progressive states it's legal and even if they dropped that section it would not make much different, while Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance’s says it is illegal.The last Progressive Supervisor I spoke with contradicted herself THREE TIMES while speaking to me about this issue. I know this personally & from interacting with Progressive. I've had them for a very long time. However, I'm beginning to see a pattern with them I do not like.

Additional Information
National Association of Insurance Commissioners
1100 Walnut Street Suite 1500
Kansas City, MO 64106-2197
Service Desk: (816) 783-8500
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CT)


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